Saturday, January 27, 2018

What the (Frugal) Poor Man Knows

The frugal man knows that his “ fast foods” are soup and salads. Soups are made from vegetables from his garden and cooked in large batches. This is how the frugal made it through the Depression.
The frugal man knows if company comes you add water to the soup.
The frugal know that oatmeal, rice, and barley all soak up a lot of water.
The frugal know for the price of one large soda a bottle of lemon concentrate can be purchased to make a month’s worth of lemonade.
The frugal man knows that with a fifty-cent, day old French bread loaf sliced in half, he can use his own home made salsa sauce and  a little shredded cheese, to quickly bake or microwave his own pizza stromboli.
The frugal man knows that a toasted cheese sandwich fried with butter and dressed with dill pickles, mayonnaise and garden tomato and lettuce is almost as satisfying as a cheeseburger.
The frugal man knows hot buttered toast with fruit jam is similar to a doughnut shop pastry. Likewise, canned biscuit dough baked on a pan with butter, brown sugar and nuts is as good as cinnamon rolls.
A frugal man knows that a box of overripe bananas can be bought for a pittance then peeled and frozen and put into a food processor to make a nutritious smoothie to match any milk shake.

In short, the frugal man knows how to make inexpensive substitutes for overpriced goods.

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